Located in Newport Beach, CA, we bring sparkle and freshness to every surface, every time.
Prevent clogs and water damage with thorough gutter cleaning that ensures proper water flow and protects your property.
Tough on grime but safe for surfaces, our pressure washing service revitalizes driveways, decks, and patios with precision and care.
Maximize your solar panels’ efficiency with streak-free cleaning that enhances energy output and protects your investment.
Contact us today for a free consultation or to schedule your next cleaning service.
Our skilled team brings unmatched expertise to every project, ensuring flawless results.
We use environmentally safe products to protect your health and the planet.
We work around your schedule to provide convenient, hassle-free services.
From exterior cleaning to auto detailing, we offer a one-stop solution for all your cleaning needs.
Discover how close you are to sparkling clean spaces. Call or email us today to connect with our Newport Beach, CA office.
Learn about our comprehensive offerings, from home cleaning to window services and auto detailing.
Schedule your cleaning service online or by phone. It’s quick, easy, and hassle-free!
Sparkling Surfaces,
Inc.Newport Beach, CA
Visit us or schedule your appointment today!